My life’s journey is amazing. I thank God for the journey that I have been on as a United Methodist elder. This journey comes with some interesting twists. My husband, Richard, and I find ourselves living in an area where we first lived as newlyweds. Many things have changed, many new traffic circles, but at the same time there is a familiarity to the area, major roads remain the same. I believe that is how it is with the new Heritage District. There are some things vastly new, and we aren’t too sure about them, just yet, and then there are some things that feel familiar and comfortable. I am thrilled to be a part of the Heritage District. There is such freshness and newness in this new start. What a joy to be here! The one to ones have been very helpful, as I learn the pastors of the district and about the churches they serve. I look forward to meeting more people on Saturday at the district picnic and as we work together over the months to come!
DS Blog July

little house on the sand beach near sea