District News

2020 Charge Conferences

All SPRC/Charge Conferences will be held via Zoom.  Zoom links will be emailed to clergy and SPRC Chairpersons a few days prior to your assigned date.  SPRC meeting will begin at the start time listed and charge conference will begin 45 minutes after the start time of the SPRC meeting.  EXAMPLE:  If your assigned start time is 10:00 am, SPRC meets first with the following participants:  DS, Pastor(s)/Deacon(s), SPRC members. 

At 10:45 am, charge conference will convene with the following participants:  DS, Pastor(s)/Deacon(s), leadership team/ad council/governance team.

Forms can be found at this link and can be completed at any time:  https://michiganumc.org/resources/clergy/resources/forms/   Compensation forms are still being finalized but should be available soon.  Please refer to the link above occasionally to retrieve those forms.  All completed forms are due in the drop box (link will be sent at a later date) 10 days prior to your SPRC/CC date.  Completed and signed original documents will be postal mailed to the district office in red and blue folders that I will postal mail to churches in August.

Schedule >>>
Conference forms >>>
District Leadership roster >>> (Excel) / (pdf)
Instructions >>>
Master Checklist >>> (color) / (b&w)

Redeeming the Season

Uncertain times present an opportunity for “redeeming the season,” says Bishop David Bard. He adds, “Redeeming the season remembers that we are involved in a long work.”


Michigan Area

A favorite Bible study method for me involves comparing various English translations and renditions of a passage of Scripture. Doing so reminds me that the Scriptures we read were not originally written in English, that language is complex and translation a creative activity, and that language is rich with nuance so that exploring various shades of meaning opens these texts to me in wonderfully new ways.

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Make Change Part of Your Church DNA

The REACH Summit on Oct. 24 is the beginning of a year-long relationship of ongoing support through a REACH Network Group or coaching. Serious about change? Register now.


Computers need them. So do smartphones. Churches do, too. Updates help people and operating systems boost functionality without slowing down. That’s how the Rev. Andy Lee of Commerce United Methodist Church describes the REACH Movement, which includes the upcoming REACH Summit.

The REACH Movement was launched to help churches grow and multiply in a rapidly changing world.

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ERT Basic Training October 24

Emergency Response Training for Michigan/NCJ Volunteers

ERT Training for volunteers looking to organize/lead/ participate in a team for disaster response/recovery efforts . (Michigan/North Central Jurisdiction )

Cornerstone UMC
1675 84th Street
Caledonia MI


October 24

8:30 am Registration
9:00 am – 5:00 pm Class

Cost : $35 (pay by check on site – Michigan Conference ERT Training)

Materials/lunch included in cost  
Pre-Register by October 16 via email to Jody Pratt : [email protected]

Engage in 30 Days of Anti-Racism

The General Commission on Religion and Race invites you to engage in 30 days of anti-racism. Share your journey using #30DaysAntiRacism. Encourage others to join you.

Campus minister Morgan Stafford has committed himself to live an anti-racist faith and life. “As a white man, I have learned that I’ve benefitted from racism, while people of color have been harmed. I believe that white Christians must take the lead to confront and dismantle racism. It’s our job.” Click here to journey with Morgan Stafford on Facebook.

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Tips for Worship Online

The Michigan Conference has created webinars on a variety of subjects related to online worship, and more are being added regularly.

They include:

Get all the links here >>>

Heritage District